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The projects that Ecam Social Projects had with the Fundo Vale (Portuguese for Vale Fund) had the objective of impacting the socio-environmental vision of the citizens of the State of Rondônia and establishing synergies for sustainable development in the State. The work developed by Ecam SP and partners in Rondônia focused on strengthening traditional communities and improving the quality of life with operations in the traditional territory, with attention to external actors, Ecam SP expanded its actions beyond the territory, understanding that the internal and external actors are important to achieve effective and lasting results.
The project had four components that included preparatory actions for participatory dialogue in order to achieve sustainable development in Rondônia and had the participation of several partners such as Kanindé, Idesam, ICV, Ibam, Agenda Pública, Aliança da Terra, University of Florida, Forest Trends and Imazon.

Each component of the project had the purpose of preparing sectors of society to dialogue jointly in the construction of a state public policy that fostered the actions of Municipal Social and Environmental Management at the level of the Municipality. Below are the project structuring components.

01 – Strengthening of Environmental Governance in the Ethno-Environmental Corridors and stimulating income generation;
02 – Strengthening of Social Capital and Multisectorial dialogue;
03 – Collaborative and Responsible Municipal Management; and
04 – Articulation of Public Policy for Municipal Management in the State of Rondônia.

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