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The expansion of Sustainable Livestock to the municipalities of Prainha, Monte Alegre and Santarém arose from the consolidation of the Green Livestock project, carried out in Paragominas, which serves as a model for other initiatives, such as the project implemented in the municipality of Oriximiná, through Sustainable Territories Program, which proved that the project, in addition to being a viable alternative, is a safe investment that allows not only the increase in productivity in smaller areas (capacity/hectares) but also the high esteem of cattle breeders and the socio-environmental gain.

The project aims to discuss with cattle breeders in the municipalities of Baixo Amazonas (Prainha, Monte Alegre and Santarém) the adoption of practices aimed at increasing productivity, improving human and animal life conditions, recovering degraded areas and preserving springs. The initiative reconciles the technical guidelines and changes in habits that make livestock seen in a sustainable and profitable way.

The initiative is carried out by Ecam PS, with financial support from the Swedish Rainforest Preservation Association (Regnskogsforeningen), and in partnership with the government and social organizations such as the Municipal Secretariat of Production of Prainha (Semup), Union of Rural Producers of Monte Alegre (Sinpruma), and Santarém Rural Union.

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